CASE / 08.Aug.2023
NEP Guam Story —— Bryan

In the picturesque South Pacific Islands lies Guam, known for its stunning scenery and abundant sunshine. With an average daily solar irradiance of 4.5-5.5 kWh per square meter, this U.S. territory offers a perfect setting for solar energy utilization. It was here that an inspiring tale unfolded, showcasing the remarkable impact of NEP micro inverters.


Bryan, a former U.S. Air Force officer who settled in Guam, embarked on a journey into the solar power industry after encountering solar technology during his visits to China in 2013. Having established resorts, hotels, and various businesses on the island, Bryan's penchant for innovation led him to explore the potential of solar energy. His first rooftop project in 2014 marked the beginning of an exciting solar venture.


Enthusiastically donning a work suit adorned with the NEP logo, Bryan and his team began deploying NEP micro inverters across Guam, integrating them into various settings such as residential roofs, yards, hotel rooftops, swimming pools, resorts, car sheds, 4S shop roofs, and factories.


Bryan's passion for learning and dedication to solar energy technology propelled him to master NEP micro-inverters inside out. From system planning to installation, commissioning, and troubleshooting, his expertise rivaled that of NEP's technical engineers. In essence, Bryan had become a "NEP employee in Guam."


Experiencing seamless performance and unmatched reliability, Bryan hailed NEP Micro inverters as "the most forgettable inverters ever" — installed nine years ago, yet never requiring roof visits since.




One of Bryan's recent projects on the island involved a 16KWp photovoltaic installation, comprising 32 500W photovoltaic modules, and 16 BDM-800 micro-inverters. The system went operational on March 31, yielding 1,259.67 KWH in April and an impressive 2,027.78 KWH in May. With individual component power generation reaching 400W, the NEP micro inverters proved their exceptional efficiency and performance.


Bryan's passion for the solar energy business and his pride in contributing to its growth made NEP micro inverters shine brightly on the island. His unwavering trust and support in NEP stem from the product's unrivaled quality and stability. These resounding endorsements serve as the driving force for NEP to continuously enhance its technology and product offerings, ensuring the delivery of cutting-edge solar solutions to customers worldwide.